Is Anton LaVey In Hell?

Many people have seen or heard of him somewhere, on the internet, in books, through friends… Anton Szandor LaVey, perhaps the most public Satanist of recent history is who I am referring to.

Mr. LaVey was the founder of the so called Church Of Satan, an atheistic organization that utilizes the symbol or archetype of Satan to replace other gods. The official website of the Church can be found at

One of the great questions that comes up for many people in characteristically monotheistic cultures that are defined by a good-bad dichotomy is whether this man is burning in hell or not? For a Christian for instance, it should be clear that yes, Anton La Vey is burning in hell. A simple Google search will reveal the fact that a lot of Christians believe so, and some even allege that La Vey attempted to repent on his deathbed, claiming that he finally had an insight that drew him to renounce Satan.

Well, strangely enough none of these accounts are actually factual. They are mostly invented out of thin air and only serve to foster religious people’s beliefs in their own religion. Anton La Vey was one of the foremost critics of organized religion in his time and his public Satanism a powerful symbolic way of battling these forces. It is only too natural that old organized religions such as in particular those with a Satanic figure of their own would try to flip the script on him after he passed. Think about it, what would La Vey’s reply be to those who now claim he made this deathbed realization? Judging by the man’s writings and his whole life’s story he would most likely be either laughing at them or dismissing them as lunatics or deluded fools. If anybody was ready to go to hell it was Anton Szandor La Vey, who during his whole lifetime let no chance out to worship Satan, declare that he loves Lucifer and even published the infamous Satanic Bible.



Further Reading:

1) The Satanic Bible
2) The Devil’s Notebook
3) Satan Speaks

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